Laser by Fotona
Using your own body's regenerative powers, Fotona lasers are used to treat many areas and concerns of aging by stimulating the muscle structure under the skin and reviving our own collagen production. Rejuvenate and renew. Results are instantaneous and continue to increase over the next 21 days as your own body responds to the treatment. Tighten sagging skin and jowls, reduce wrinkles, lines or folds, lines on the forehead, cheek bones, pump up cheek hollows and plump your skin to produce increased collagen. Talk to your consultant about the best treatment plan for you.
Fotona's laser light penetrates deeper into the skin to selectively target even the deepest skin structures such as deep-lying veins and hair follicles. The thermal energy of the laser heats them to a point where the desired effect is achieved.
What is Fotona4D®?
4D-lifting is a complex laser procedure combining four complementary stages that use different wavelengths – Er: YAG and Nd: YAG. Through their consistent application, visible tightening of the skin is achieved, reduction of visible lines and wrinkles and lifting of the sagging contour of the face.
Snoring and Apnea TreatmentFotona’s NightLase® therapy is a non-invasive, patient-friendly laser treatment for increasing the quality of a patient’s sleep. NightLase reduces the effects of sleep apnea and decreases the amplitude of snoring by means of a gentle, laser-induced tightening effect caused by the contraction of collagen in the oral mucosa tissue.
Simple, Safe and Effective
Fotona’s patented Er:YAG laser modality optimizes the length of laser pulses, allowing for the safe penetration of heat into the oral mucosa tissue. It is gentle enough to be used on the sensitive tissue inside the mouth, but strong enough to provide clinically efficacious heating.
NightLase is easy for any laser nurse to perform and has a high success rate in producing a positive change in sleep patterns. Research has shown that NightLase reduces and attenuates snoring and provides an effective, non-invasive way to lessen the effects of sleep apnea.
Laser Body Sculpting and Skin Tightening
Fotona TightSculpting® is a unique dual-wavelength, non-invasive laser treatment for sculpting and skin tightening on all body areas. The exclusive delivery modes are used in concert for hyperthermic adipocyte destruction and collagen remodeling with exceptional results. The procedure is a fast, safe and effective non-invasive alternative to laser lipolysis, with no consumables or downtime required for your patient.
1st step: Deep skin tightening and fat reduction with PIANO® pulse
The unique, super long Nd:YAG pulse mode is designed for homogenous tissue heating comfortably, safely and rapidly, by concentrating energy delivery to subcutaneously stimulate metabolism of fat cells, leaving the epidermis intact. The PIANO® mode extends the pulse durations to the seconds regime, resulting in full-thickness bulk heating with an overall synergistic tightening effect.
2nd step: Improvement of skin surface laxity with SMOOTH® pulse
The second stage consists of a revolutionary non-ablative Er:YAG SMOOTH® mode, ideal for skin tightening. The intense, controlled surface tissue heating stimulates collagen remodeling and initiates neocollagenesis. The effects result in an overall improvement of laxity and elasticity in the treatment areas.
A Fast and Simple Solution for Clear Skin
Fotona offers a laser acne treatment protocol that provides a truly comprehensive solution to the problem of acne. Fotona’s precisely controlled Nd:YAG laser light safely penetrates into skin to effectively target overactive sebaceous glands and to reduce the risk of developing new acne inflammation.
For improving the appearance of acne scars, Fotona offers a complementary laser treatment based on a precise and gentle skin resurfacing procedure in which an Er:YAG laser beam is absorbed by the top micro-layers of the skin to vaporize scarred tissue and stimulate the production of new collagen in the dermis.
Fast results, Without Side-Effects
For active acne, Fotona’s laser treatment reduces acne inflammation through photoselective absorption and controlled heating effects. Fotona’s high powered Nd:YAG laser safely penetrates the skin to an optimal treatment depth to thermally and selectively destroy overactive sebaceous glands.
In addition to its thermal penetration effects, the Nd:YAG acne laser treatment also accelerates the healing process and stimulates collagen remodeling, an important step in the long-term treatment of acne.
Gentle & Effective Acne Scar Revision
For treating problematic acne scars, Fotona's Er:YAG laser wavelength is ideal for gentle ablative scar revision. The Er:YAG laser safely and effectively provides the minimal penetration depth required for light resurfacing of acne-scarred skin, helping to improve skin texture and tone. Unlike chemical peels and dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing allows the penetration depth to be precisely controlled. The laser gently vaporizes micron-thin layers of the acne-scarred surface to reveal healthy, undamaged skin below. Laser resurfacing is a fast, safe and simple procedure.
Multiple Modalities for Enhanced Results
Synergistic treatments from two wavelengths working together
Fotona4D® is a groundbreaking non-surgical face lifting procedure resulting in a rejuvenated, natural-looking appearance. If you’re searching for a non-invasive, safer anti-aging option read on or visit our Fotona4D® website for more comprehensive information for both patients and doctors.
Advantages of Fotona4D®:
Tightening and volumization without the need for fillers or toxins
A full lifting treatment from the inside out
Immediate rejuvenation, tightening and glow
Improved skin complexion
Little or no downtime
No surgery, needles or anesthesia
Enabled by the expanded capabilities of the Nd:YAG and Er:YAG wavelengths, the laser provides up to four dimensions of treatment. Fotona's complementary Er:YAG and Nd:YAG wavelengths are synergistically applied in 4 different modes: SMOOTH®, FRAC3®, PIANO® and SupErficial™ to work on deeper, medial and superficial connective structures of the skin, while simultaneously targeting different skin imperfections. Multiple treatment modalities range from the 2-dimensional TwinLight® procedure to the 4-dimensional Fotona4D® procedure. Fotona's 4D laser treatment enables full-thickness contraction of collagen for persistent, low-downtime tightening and volumization (wrinkle reduction) without injectables. Combining these 4 unique modes and two complementary wavelengths results in a respectable "SmoothLiftin" treatment.
Non-Invasive Facial Rejuvenation for Men
Fotona4D®Men is an innovative form of laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation tailored specifically for male skin.
With Fotona4D®Men, Fotona's complementary Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser wavelengths are synergistically applied in a 4-step rejuvenation procedure using 3 different proprietary modes (SMOOTH®, PIANO® and SupErficial™) to enhance not only the superficial, but also the medial and deeper structures of male skin in a quick, safe and precise manner. The result is immediate freshness and tightness with more radiant-looking skin that looks naturally youthful and healthy.
Advantages of Fotona4D®Men:
protocol settings tailored specifically for men
immediate freshness and tightness
more youthful and healthy skin
natural-looking results
no downtime
FRAC3® Hair Removal
Fotona's high-performance Nd:YAG laser systems with FRAC3® technology have introduced new standards of efficiency in providing safe and effective hair reduction – using an innovative system that effectively targets hair follicles with a combination of selective and homogenous photothermolysis.
Safe for All Skin Types
Fotona’s Nd:YAG lasers incorporate revolutionary pulse-control technology and a proprietary three-dimensional treatment pattern (FRAC3®) to provide safe and effective hair reduction. Unlike other wavelengths, only Nd:YAG is safe to use on all skin types. Fotona’s innovative system effectively targets surface treatment areas while leaving surrounding tissues unaffected.
The success of hair reduction treatments depends largely on a patient’s skin and hair type, as well as the skills and treatment insight of the practitioner. Most patients can expect a significant reduction in unwanted hair, and any future hair growth will usually be thinner and lighter, and thus much less pronounced than before.
High-Performance Hair Reduction
Combined with the special high-performance S-11 scanner from Fotona, you can easily treat large areas such as the legs, back and chest quickly and efficiently, making laser treatments one of the most cost-effective solutions for long-term hair reduction. Fotona's high peak-power laser pulses provide the speed and efficiency needed to uniformly cover large scanning areas. Depending on the size of the treatment area, between three to five sessions, six to eight weeks apart will lead to a significant aesthetic and clinical result.
The following Nd:YAG laser systems from Fotona are ideal for permanent hair reduction as well as many other aesthetic skin treatments:
Fotona SP Line and XP Line lasers are ideal choices if you value speed for quick, high-quality aesthetic treatments without compromising efficacy. All Fotona SP and XP laser systems offer high performance, non-ablative long-pulse Nd:YAG and surgical QCW Nd:YAG lasers, which combine to offer an extremely wide aesthetics treatment range, including hair removal and many other applications in aesthetics and dermatology. The SP line also includes Er:YAG for resurfacing treatments and more.
StarWalker – StarWalker’s VERSA3, FRAC3 and MaQX modalities provide effective tools for facial hair removal. In addition, StarWalker is also an industry-leading, ultra-performance tattoo and pigmented-lesions removal system thanks to its MaQX peak laser energy, four colors and proprietary FracTAT™ procedure.
A Fast, Simple and Minimally Invasive Tx
The SP Line of multi-application laser systems from Fotona provides a single, uniquely capable aesthetic solution that combines the power of the industry's highest performance Er:YAG, and Nd:YAG ideal for treating keratosis, moles, and other pigmented lesions plus a wide range of additional treatments in aesthetics, dermatology, and surgery.
Non-Invasive Plumping for Fuller Lips without Injectables
Fuller, smoother lips
Stimulates collagen remodeling
Initiates new collagen synthesis
No needles, no downtime
Fotona SMOOTH® modality Er:YAG provides an immediate response that patients will notice. In contrast to injectable fillers, the LipLase™ treatment is non-invasive, and there is nothing artificial as patients develop their own collagen in their lips. With several adjusted passes the characteristics of ‘ideal lips’ can be achieved such as fullness, volume, correct balance between the upper and lower lips and a well-defined vermilion border.
For even deeper collagen stimulation Nd:YAG laser in PIANO mode is used, which is the safest mode for reaching deeper lying skin tissues, with minimal thermal effect on the surface.
The following dual-wavelength laser systems from Fotona are ideal for LipLase™ and Fotona4D® plus a wide range of other skin resurfacing and rejuvenation treatments:
The Dynamis Pro multi-application system from Fotona provides a single, uniquely capable and full-featured solution offering the power of ultra-high performance Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers, ideal for a wide range of applications in aesthetics and dermatology. The SP Dynamis also includes an additional surgical QCW Nd:YAG laser for lipolysis and many other surgical procedures.
TwinLight® Fractional Rejuvenation
The collective desire to stay forever young has created an enormous market for anti-ageing treatments. Recent developments in laser technology are now delivering a longer lasting and scientifically proven method of restoring the natural beauty of the skin. Unlike traditional treatments such as dermabrasion and chemical peels, the unique characteristics of laser skin resurfacing allow more accurate and precise control over the treatment process.
Skin resurfacing and rejuvenation treatments can be performed either in ablative modes with an Er:YAG laser or non-ablatively with a Nd:YAG laser, depending on the particular aesthetic outcome that the patient and practitioner wish to achieve. In addition, ablative and non-ablative treatments can also be combined into a comprehensive anti-aging treatment, such as Fotona’s TwinLight® Fractional Rejuvenation system.
Introducing TwinLight® Fractional Rejuvenation
Past skin rejuvenation procedures treated large areas of skin, whether aged or not. But with Fotona’s revolutionary TwinLight® Fractional Rejuvenation method, the laser light precisely targets imperfections in the skin, leaving the surrounding healthy skin untouched. The heat from the laser energy also stimulates the production of new collagen in the dermis, and the surrounding, untreated skin helps to speed the rejuvenation process.
Vascular Lesions
Laser treatments are now a routine procedure for the removal of many types of vascular lesions, including hemangiomas, vascular malformations such as port-wine stains, telangiectasias, venous lakes and angiomas.
The Perfect Vascular Solution
Long-pulse Nd:YAG lasers offer the perfect solution for treating vascular lesions. Fotona’s long-pulse Nd:YAG lasers penetrate to a depth of 5-6 mm into the skin, allowing for highly effective treatments. Independent research shows that over 75% of patients with deep hemangiomas that are treated with Nd:YAG lasers see a dramatic regression in the lesion.
Fotona offers a range of systems with long-pulse Nd:YAG, such as the XP Dynamis, that are perfect for the treatment of vascular lesions. In addition, the multi-wavelength StarWalker system with Q-switched KTP is also an ideal platform for the removal of vascular as well as pigmented lesions.
A Non-Ablative Fotona SMOOTH® Mode Treatment for Tightening of the Periocular Region
Immediate freshness and tightness of the periocular area
Stimulates collagen remodeling and initiates neocollagenesis
Little-to-no downtime
Gentle, fast and non-invasive
Safe and precisely controlled
FRAC3® Hair Removal
TimeWalker® Fotona4D® is an exceptional tool for performing facial hair removal. Fotona's high-performance Nd:YAG laser systems with FRAC3® technology have introduced new standards of efficiency in providing safe and effective hair reduction – using an innovative system that effectively targets hair follicles with a combination of selective and homogenous photothermolysis.
Safe for All Skin Types
Fotona’s Nd:YAG lasers incorporate revolutionary pulse-control technology and a proprietary three-dimensional treatment pattern (FRAC3®) to provide safe and effective facial hair reduction. Unlike other wavelengths, only Nd:YAG is safe to use on all skin types. Fotona’s innovative system effectively targets surface treatment areas while leaving surrounding tissues unaffected.
The success of facial hair reduction treatments depends largely on a patient’s skin and hair type, as well as the skills and treatment insight of the practitioner. Most patients can expect a significant reduction in unwanted hair, and any future hair growth will usually be thinner and lighter, and thus much less pronounced than before. Depending on the size of the treatment area, between three to five sessions, six to eight weeks apart will lead to a significant aesthetic and clinical result.
Facial Vascular Lesions Removal
Facial Vascular Lesions Removal
Laser treatments are now a routine procedure for the removal of many types of vascular lesions, including hemangiomas, vascular malformations such as port-wine stains, telangiectasias, venous lakes, and angiomas. TimeWalker® Fotona4D® is ideal for the removal of vascular lesions on the face.
The Perfect Vascular Solution
The long-pulse Nd:YAG laser integrated in TimeWalker® Fotona4D® offers the perfect solution for treating facial vascular lesions. Fotona’s long-pulse Nd:YAG wavelength penetrates to a depth of 5-6 mm into the skin, allowing for highly effective treatments. Independent research shows that over 75% of patients with deep hemangiomas that are treated with Nd:YAG lasers see a dramatic regression in the lesion.
Safe, Effective and Minimally Invasive
The targeted chromophore for vascular lesions is intravascular oxyhemoglobin, which means that thermal damage is largely restricted to cutaneous blood vessels. The energy from the laser is absorbed by the blood inside the vein, converted into heat, and the vein walls are subsequently destroyed. In comparison with other wavelengths, which mainly affect the surface layers of a lesion, Nd:YAG light also targets the underlying vascular feeding system, which is important for ensuring the long-term efficacy of the treatment. This process is perfectly safe, as other healthy veins supply blood to the treated area and the body’s immune system clears away dead tissue, just like with a bruise.


Fotona Laser
Hydrafacial/ Microdermabrasion
Ozone Therapy
Body Contouring & Weight Loss
PRF & Biofillers
IV Therapy
Lymphatic Treatment
Health Coaching
Microcurrent Therapy
Lash Extensions